XV international student scientific conference
XV international student scientific conference Conference materials Download
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Omari Tskhadadze’s Article
Omari Tskhadadze's article is published in the materials of the international scientific practical conference on pages 203-207 Download the article
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New conference
International scientific and practical conference "Current problems of physical culture and sports in modern socio-economic conditions" The conference will take place on January 25, 2024 at 12.00 at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Chuvash State Agrarian University at the address: Cheboksary, st. K. Marx, 29 (main academic building). Download program
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The article of Lasha Buskivadze
The article of Lasha Buskivadze, who is a student of the University of the Academy of Tourism Sciences of Georgia, was published in the Ukrainian journal "Наука і вища освіта". You can see more details here: You can see more details here: Download here:
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ვასილ სუხომლინსკი – უკვდავი პედაგოგი
საქართველოს განათლების მეცნიერებათა აკადემიის აკადემიკოსის, პედაგოგიკის დოქტორის ომარი ცხადაძის ამ წიგნში თავმოყრილია მის მიერ სხვადასხვა...
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